Crowdfunding for
on decentralized infrastructure

We've created a two way conduit for music lovers to support their favorite musicians and for musicians to give back to their fans.

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Simply Simple

This ain't your grand daddy's NFT project. No need to develop a collection of artwork. No need to predefine a limited amount of mintable tokens. Just create an account with your wallet, get whitelisted, and create your first FanPin. Then tell the world that you're doing things a little differently.

Easy smart-contract
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Discover and Support
Emerging Artists
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A Dashboard for Your Community's
On-chain Data
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Bridging Web2 Users
With Web3 Use Case
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Reward Your
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The Protocol

Step-by-Step Guide to understanding why and how to use FanSociety

Whether you're an artist or a fan, everyone enters through the same doors. Create an account with your EVM compatible wallet and you'll be dubbed a Fan. Use the app to discover and support new artists by minting FanPins.

FanSociety is a place for REAL emerging artists and music lovers; there's no place here for trolls, posers, or fakes. If you're an artist or group, reach out for a face to face introduction and we'll whitelist you as an Artist account.

FanSociety is a simple protocol and our goal is to get Artists started with the least amount of friction. Click on the Deploy Contract button and sign the transaction with your wallet. BAM!!! You are now the proud owner of your very own ERC-1155 smart contract and you'll be provided a dashboard to manage it.

FanSociety is a donation platfom. A FanPin is a proof of donation. Under the hood, they're ERC-1155 tokens. FanPins are a kind of hybrid between NFTs and ERC-20 tokens; they can have an image represent the token like an NFT, and they can be fungible in the sense that multiple accounts can hold the same FanPins. This allows Fans to be identified in cohorts or generations of fans. Earlier Fans are more valued than later arriving fans and can be rewarded with acts of appreciation from the Artist; that's how we think things should work anyways.

Creating a FanPin is easy; provide both an image to represent the FanPin, and the minimum required donation amount in ETH. We'll host the image on IPFS and set up the necessary token metadata, the Artist will sign a transaction to create a token within their smart contract. Any Fan that now wants to support the Artist can donate and will mint the active FanPin as proof of supporting the Artist. At any time, the Artist can create a new FanPin 'generation' by following the previous steps. When a new FanPin 'generation' is created, the previous FanPin will no longer be active and Fans will now receive the new FanPin as proof of support. In this way, the Artist can use a single smart contract for the entirety of their career to demarcate different 'generations' of Fans. There is no need for a pre-defined number of tokens to create artificial scarcity and there is no need to first develop a collection of artwork in order to get started. On the other hand, a FanSociety smart contract is a 'living' contract that needs to be managed with care in order to foster a healthy functioning community. In other words, we're providing the protocol, but it's up to the Artists and Fans to make this thing work.

FanSociety is designed as a two way conduit to foster the 'giving economy'. Artists now have a decentralized database of Fans and have the ability to give back in (mostly) any way they want. Artists could give away merch, such as t-shirts or limited edition vinyl, or even tickets to shows. On-chain raffles are also possible with on-chain verified randomness. It's up to each Artist to decide what, who, and when to give back to not just say 'Thank You for your support', but to actually show it. Keep in mind, Artists never promise any sort of reward for a Fan's donation; there is no sense of a 'return on investment' because FanSociety is an entirely donation based protocol. Give happily.


Meet the team behind FanSociety

Miles Patterson
CEO and Founder
Miles Patterson

Musician, developer, dreamer.

Let’s carve a new path together
FanSociety is kinda weird, and is doing things kinda different from the status quo. Find out what motivates us to wake up and bang our head against the after day...after
Read the 'Transparency' Paper